I am OK. My car is not.

And I'm really grateful for airbags.

I was the caboose on a four car pile-up on I-15 today. The car in front of me came to a stop very quickly and three seconds later so did I. Plowed into the car in front of me at about 50 mph.
I feel lucky to have escaped virtually unscathed. Things could have been so much worse.


A Few Tacos Shy... said...

That looks kinda painful! I am so glad you are okay!

Little Lisa said...

I don't like this! No, not one bit!

Did I ever tell you about the time I got T-boned? Just over a year ago. It was horrific. I didn't drive for, well, just under a year after that.

Let me know if you need anything!

markolopia said...

Yikes! Glad you're okay, Alex!

Unknown said...

i'm so so sorry. and i hope you are okay.

Britt Riggin said...

Holy Cow! I'm so happy you weren't seriously hurt! Nasty cuts, though. It wasn't the car you drove in HS was it?

emilyfcutler said...

I prefer brakes to airbags, but you know, to each his own. ;) Way to live.